Post-Visa Approval Support
A successful business visa application is, of course, always good news, but it is not the end of the process. Successful business visa applicants and investors should keep a watchful eye on what needs to occur down the road to obtain visa renewal, as it is not an automatic occurrence.
We are keenly focused on how to add value after initial approvals and thus improve the ability of our clients to keep a visa in place. We assess how the unfolding business metrics support or impede the prospects of visa renewal, and work closely with immigration attorneys to ensure that our clients take effective steps and make necessary adjustments. This preventive and forward-looking mindset helps avoid the pitfalls that often arise with complacency about the long-term prospects and realities.

Stay In The Know
Recent Blogs & Articles-
No More Gatekeepers: The Visa Hack Entrepreneurs Need to KnowView Article
- English,
- Immigration
The U.S. Rolls Out the Red Carpet for Entrepreneurs: Exclusive New Visa PathwaysView Article
- English,
- Immigration
What “One Voice for America’s Foreign Relations” Means for Business Visa ApplicantsView Article
- English,
- Immigration
Our Process
You fill out a
questionnaire or
provide answers over
the phone with our
VIP service -
Using our 77-point
quality assurance checklist,
we analyze your case
as an immigration or
consular officer would -
We provide suggestions
in line with your
industry and based on immigration adjudication
standards -
We identify red flags
that can jeopardize
your visa petition
and discuss them
with your attorney -
We deliver a business plan
that is ready to be submitted
to USCIS and is subject to
the approval of you and
your attorney