National Interest Waiver (NIW) Recommendation Letters
The national interest waiver allows applicants who wish to obtain a green card or lawful permanent residence in the United States without needing sponsorship from an employer. It is typically used for those in the EB-2 employment-based category. Obtaining the waiver requires an applicant to show that their entry into the U.S. is “in the nation's interest".
Recommendation letters are imperative in EB-2 cases because USCIS officers are not experts in any specific field of work. The only way for them to decide if an individual qualifies for the EB-2 NIW petition is by looking at the evidence and reference letters.
How Visa Business Plans Can Help
As experts in this realm, we bring technical writers, professional backgrounds, and proprietary methodology to give applicants the best chances of success. We assemble data, analyze relevant market sectors, and provide letters signed by qualified and credible professionals to demonstrate how the applicant can uniquely benefit the national interest.
NIW recommendation letters are handled case by case, and vary depending on the immigration attorney’s strategy.
For assistance with national interest waiver recommendation letters, contact Visa Business Plans online or call (888) 657-3515 for a consultation. Our services are available in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. We also serve clients in French, Japanese, Mandarin, Portuguese, and Russian.

Our Process
You fill out a
questionnaire or
provide answers over
the phone with our
VIP service -
Using our 77-point
quality assurance checklist,
we analyze your case
as an immigration or
consular officer would -
We provide suggestions
in line with your
industry and based on immigration adjudication
standards -
We identify red flags
that can jeopardize
your visa petition
and discuss them
with your attorney -
We deliver a business plan
that is ready to be submitted
to USCIS and is subject to
the approval of you and
your attorney