Embarking on the path to an L-1A visa doesn't always require launching a brand-new business with a high investment. For those who may lack the capital or prefer not to invest directly, there's a viable alternative—operating someone else's business. This unconventional approach mirrors successful models seen in industries like hospitality, where giants like Marriott often operate businesses without owning the underlying real estate. In this blog, we explore the possibility of obtaining an L-1A visa while operating someone else's business and how this innovative business model can pave the way for visa success.
The traditional narrative around L-1A visas often involves individuals investing in and managing their own business. However, the landscape is evolving, and immigration authorities recognize the value of expertise over direct ownership. Operating a business under someone else's ownership becomes a strategic avenue for those with the necessary skills but without the desire or means to invest in a new venture.
Consider the model employed by major players in the hospitality industry. Giants like Marriott thrive by operating hotels they don't necessarily own. This model can be mirrored in the L-1A visa context. Individuals with expertise in hotel management, for example, can apply their skills to operate an existing hotel, leveraging their knowledge without the need for direct ownership of a hotel.
To successfully obtain an L-1A visa while operating someone else's business, it's crucial to align with the visa criteria. Your immigration business plan must showcase how your role involves managerial or executive duties, even within the framework of operating an existing business. Equally important, the immigration business plan must highlight how your expertise contributes to the success of the operation, emphasizing your ability to oversee personnel, manage key functions, and make strategic decisions.
While the traditional narrative of starting and investing in a new business holds merit, the L-1A visa landscape allows for innovative approaches. We have helped hundreds of investors obtain L-1A visas by operating a business they do not own, a model proven successful in industries like hospitality and foodservice, and one that can be a strategic pathway to immigrate to the U.S.
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The information provided in this blog is intended solely for informational purposes. While we strive to offer accurate and up-to-date content, it should not be considered legal advice. Immigration laws and regulations are subject to change, and individual circumstances can vary widely. For personalized guidance and legal advice regarding your specific immigration situation, we strongly recommend consulting with a qualified immigration attorney who can provide you with tailored assistance and ensure compliance with current laws and regulations.
Visa Business Plans is led by Marco Scanu, a certified coach from the University of Miami with a globally-based practice coaching Fortune 1000 company executives, entrepreneurs, as well as professionals in four different continents. Mr. Scanu advises clients on turnaround strategies and crisis management.
Mr. Scanu received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (Cum Laude) from the University of Florida and an MBA in Management from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy. Mr. Scanu was also a Visiting Scholar at Michigan State University under the prestigious H. Humphrey Fellowship (Fulbright program) with a focus on Entrepreneurship, Venture Capital, and high-growth enterprises.
At present, Mr. Scanu is the managing partner and CEO at Visa Business Plans, a Miami-based boutique consulting firm providing attorneys and investors with business planning services in the areas of U.S. and Canadian immigration, SBA loans, and others.
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Market Analysis
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NIW Business Plans
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Investor Visas Business Plans